Exciting November Ahead – Update Your Calendar!
November 15th 9AM & 11:10AM Worship
10:10AM Sunday School for all ages
November 21/22 Church-wide Retreat, Mo Ranch
November 22nd 10:45AM Worship at St. Mark
Check with your Sunday School leader
to see if you are meeting on the 22nd.
November 29th First Sunday in Advent
9:30AM Sunday School for all ages
10:45AM Christmas Cantata,
“Let There Be Christmas”
During 2015 we are celebrating our Jubilee! Join us as we joyously celebrate 50 years.
We know that life is full of hard questions and difficult decisions. At St. Mark Presbyterian Church we do not have all the answers, but we do know that the strength to face those questions and difficulties can be found through faith.
Each week we gather in a variety of ways to help each other sort through the complexities of life and learn more about God, community, and what it means to be a follower of Christ. We hope to see you soon.
Join us for worship…
Sunday Mornings
9:00AM Contemporary Service
10:10AM Christian Education Classes for all ages
11:10AM Traditional Service